Saturday, February 25, 2006


this is probably my last post before my computer blows up-
went to suk yi's concert tonight, no, not my teacher suk yi, but the lady singer kwan suk yi shirley. not much out of the ordinary for shirley tonight but each and everything related to the production was well thought out. there were a few inspiring moments with the lighting. seeing a person like shirley doing something she loves on stage has given me extra motivation to improve my singing. i've never been more perplexed about singing since finding my support voice... Apparently it's turned into a "mixed voice" and not a "belter voice" as i have been categorising myself... what followed was a lot of voice finding near the echo-ey stairway behind the drama school / music school toilets... another affirmation today- dancing, music and singing are two things in my life that can make me happy even if i'm sad. i'm going to enrol myself in a dance course too to improve my dancing! (thank you ms. j for your comments, and mr. o too)

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