Friday, February 17, 2006

a nervous sunday

i can't remember a thing from the cricket umpire's course and yet i'm supposed to umpire a game (w/ company, of course... but still...) for u13s THIS SUNDAY??? u13 means the prescence cranky parents watching every move of their offsprings' from the sidelines... i hope to the gollywogs that i don't make a horrifically wrong decision that causes the parents to shoot me with their own lovely spit as i walk off the pitch...

singing lesson today... the class felt like tom lee children's music class today-- with the ta ta tee tee ta's and stuff, but it was good to be able to help people understand how music works. music is terrific, terrific, terrific....

it's good to be back and experiencing everything with a relaxed attitude.

which brings me to my first rehearsal on sunday afternoon with joyce's workshop. i can't help but be a little nervous about my first experience as an actress @ the HKAPA- but i can only do my best and like a good little girlscout, to be prepared for the rehearsal.


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